No. Through Veryable’s platform, you are an independent contractor who receives 1099-K. If you made over $20,000 and had 200 or more payouts in the calendar year through the Veryable platform, use these navigation steps and you will see a button to request a copy of your current 1099 as well:
- Open your Veryable app (sign in if necessary).
- From the landing Dashboard, select the Payouts screen option on the right.
- Click the button under your year-to-date earnings that says "Request a 1099."
- You will either receive a copy of your 1099 to the email we have on file or you will see an in-app pop-up that explains why your 1099 couldn't be generated.
Remember, you will only have the option to request a 1099 from Veryable if you have made over $20,000 and had at least 200 payouts or more in the previous calendar year. This 1099 request will be sent to the email we have on file. If you need to change your email, please reach out to us using the in-app Chat feature or email
***Even if you do not qualify to receive a 1099-K from Veryable, you may still be required to report your income to the IRS. Please consult a tax professional for personal requirements.***
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