If you withdraw from an Op your reliability rating will be negatively affected which decreases your chances of being accepted to future Ops. The closer to the start time you withdraw, the higher the negative impact on your profile. If you withdraw within 4 hours of the Op start time, you will receive a 1-star rating in addition to the decrease in your reliability rating. No-showing an Op will hurt your reliability rating and necessitate a suspension from the platform.
Please make sure you are using the bid expiry feature so that you can know ahead of time if you have been accepted or not, as businesses can accept your bid up to 1 minute before the start time.
For example, let's say your Op starts at 9:00 AM on a Tuesday. If you withdraw between 9:00 PM Monday night and 8:59 AM Tuesday morning, your reliability rating will be negatively affected. If you withdraw between 5:00 AM and 8:59 AM, you will also receive a 1-star rating.
Please Bid on an Op you for sure know you can attend.
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